& Lasagna Levitation Celebration!
Hail Eris! All Hail Bob!
Celebrate the life, work and continued multi-dimensionality of Robert Anton Wilson by joining us in a giant, jammin' Translation Celebration and 8th Circuit Soiree!

. Reconnect with old friends. Make new, like-minded friends. Share ideas. Exchange email addresses. (It's like the Internet, only in person.)
. Be a part of Bob's Raucous Processionary Send-Off as his ashes sail out of the cove and rejoin his beloved's in the Pacific!
. Watch continuous video clips of RAW from "Maybe Logic" documentary and from his numerous Trajectories videos.
. Expand your mind (and your tummy) with hors d'ourvres, soft drinks, and a cash bar.
. Expand your neighbors' minds by sharing remembrances and anecdotes at the open mic! (Brevity and levity are appreciated!)
. Mingle, nosh, remember, appreciate, celebrate!
. And above all, Keep the Lasagna Flying!
Where: The Cocoanut Grove, on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, CA: www.cocoanutgrovesantacruz.com
When: Sunday, February 18, 2007
Time: 1 - 6 PM
Tickets: $23 each
Limited number available! To purchase tickets, or for additional
information: www.impermanentpress.com/pages2/raw-tix.html
Q: How can I help kick out the jams?
A: Contribute to the media presentation. Forward photos of Bob or other creative visual remembrances that relate to RAW and his work. Your images will be included in a projected media presentation for all to enjoy. Please email your .jpegs (300-600 dpi) to trichster@aol.com no later than February 11th. Please consider contributing even if you can't be there in person.
Q: Is it always sunny in California?
A: Not in February, Chester. It's winter, and it can get DANG cold at the ocean. If you plan to play outside, dress for CHILLY weather and you will be fine and toasty.
Q: I'm coming from a long way away. Can I crash at your place?
A: Umm... not really. Click here to search for lodging in Santa Cruz County: www.santacruzcounty.travel
Q: I'm sorry...I spaced. Where did you say this was again?
A: The Cocoanut Grove is a famous ballroom attached to the Santa Cruz, CA, Beach Boardwalk (which is celebrating its centennial this year). Boardwalk arcades and amusement park rides (including the Giant Dipper, regularly voted one of America's Top 10 Rollercoasters) are open from 11am to 6pm Saturday, Sunday and Monday for the President's Day Holiday! All Hail Thomas Jefferson! Impeach Bush!
Q: So what is there to do before/after the ceremony?
A: If you've never communed with the redwoods, visit Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, just minutes up the road! Or enjoy one of Santa Cruz's fine restaurants (Bob loved the Golden Buddha in Soquel, for instance). Click here to search for more activities in Santa Cruz.
**Feel free to repost this announcement without changes**
O, to have wings!
alas, wish i could make it
I cannot attend, but I want to do SOMETHING! I'll see what I can put together. I never met him, but I miss him like an amputated limb... my favorite writer since 1979 and one of the most inspiring people on the planet.
can't make it either... it's a long way from germany... but I made it 5th in this list, yeeeeeey :D happy meme-orial to everyentity around
are there any plans for anything in nyc? any ideas?
Why not get a group of people you know, in what ever city or country you're in and have your own meme-orial. All that energy being sent from all over the world would be a spectacular "send-off" for RAW! I think the idea of a worldwide group ritual/party in his honor; all going on simultaneously, would be a great way to say our final good-byes.
RAW Obituary
Two years ago I chanced upon an audio recording of Bob speaking his version/explanation of the Eight Circuit Model of Human Consciousness.
Those craving Bob's voice in their ears: recordings in question.
Holy cow, praise Bob, and all who have the courage to exercise their freedom to choose, who keep looking into the black pit, the bright light, though it burns their eyes and sears their brain.
I cannot make the trip, but if anyone wants to do a synchronized meme-orial here in Atl, I'm surely game. Contact me through my blogger profile and we can set it up.
Hail Eris!
Praise Bob!
Its would be cool to encounter folks who have been inspired by RAW in one concentrated place.
I personaly hope his death will trigger a 'Jumping Jesus'.
Like with sombunall genius artist, they get props AFTER they die.
Maybe just how some kind of shmuck movie producer stepped into comic book store and discovered the world of Super-Heros could be a movie goldmine (+ sequels). Maybe, just maybe, someone will discover and fund a movie project of RAW's prolific work.
Everybody going to this Meme-Orial, enjoy yourselves. As well as the folks who couldn't.
This is an interesting time.
Hail Eris
Hail Bob
To have wings or a teleporter indeed, really really wish I could be there.
If anyone is organising their own event in the U.K. please let me know!
At the risk of seeming vulgar, I have a few thoughts on RAW collected at:
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Robert Anton Wilson Is Dead, & I Don't Feel So Good Myself
Notable agnostic superhero and uncategorizable whatever, Robert Anton Wilson died early in the morning, January 11th of this month. It's all over the net, so I'll spare you a repetition of the details. (Google may not be your friend, but it's a useful ally.)
Regarding the disposal of his corpse, it is rumored that he had requested that it be cremated and thrown on Pat Robertson. Naturally, this is profoundly desirable; one imagines an effect like sprinkling holy water on a demon or vampire. More to the point, this wish is utterly typical of him.
Like a carny, RAW bore a clownish facade behind which hid an utterly uncontrived and calculating rationality - one completely unhobbled by conventionality or any mewling desire for respectability.
RAW always seemed like a living invitation to the coolest party imaginable, and the best part was that the party, like God (or the Conspiracy), was everywhere & always, tho unperceived by the vulgar. In his outstreched hand was the Golden Ticket, and all one had to do to get it was - well, Get It. And few did.
[more follows at the URL above, for those who want it]
I live in Brussels, and it would be nice to DO something here. I checked out how much a trip to the Meme-Orial would cost me, and sadly it's way too much (and a 15 hour flight is not really my idea of fun either).
Are there people who'd like to do a RAW thing in Europe (possibly even on the 18th?)? I set up a blog to gather European Discordians interested in doing something for big Bob, just post something at http://reverendclarry.blogspot.com/ and let's get this going!
i would go to something in NYC. anyone organizing one please let me know.
you can get me through here if you are organizing anything.
The RAW Memorial is shaping up to be the Event of the Century of the Decade! We're coming from as far away as Canada, Norway and some foreign country called New Jersey. Colorado? Yes. Oregon? Yes. Arizona, New Mexico, New York, hell yes! Midwest? You betcha! The Los Angeles contingent will represent in force, yo! Hurry, hurry, make your plans. Tickets only available until February 1st. Watch this space for updates!
On the day RAW died, I decided to host an event in Vancouver!
I now have a team of folks working on putting this together. We intend to show Maybe Logic in a large auditorium in east Vancouver BC. Most likely the Brittania Center On commercial drive.
We will syndicate it with others on feburary 18th.
I know of others I have been working on promotional material with doing this in other cities.
I encourage everyone to similar events all around the world!
We can maybe have all cities listed on the RAW blog, boing boing, and promoted throughout local media and guerilla postering campaigns.
I'm working with local writers and columnists to spread the message.
Praise BOB!
all inquiries related to helping or pooling resources can be directed to bryan.berndt@gmail.com
Thank You For Your Considerations,
Bryan Berndt
We europeans should gather to Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany and have a hell of a festival in the memory of RAW :)
As another UK'er with not enough cashola for the travel & lodging costs--I agree with those who are saying "wish I could be there".
If I had the technamaknowhow, I'd set up an on-line gathering for the fans who can't make it to the Santa Cruz bash.
I do like that Ingolstadt, Bavaria idea--now, if we can only get The American Medical Association to reform for a one-off gig ;-) :-)
I may just have to have my own memorial on the 18th of February...or if anyone is hosting a gathering near Oxford, UK, lemme know!
`from `varkala, south india, or what the british called india we will flashback and forward bob into the dog stars
I'm hoping to organise something big(ish) in London - please get in touch if you want to be involved.
can't be there... I would LOVE to contribute, but am not sure whether I've got anything... need to figure that out...maybe :)
Fare-Thee-Well, Uncle Bob!
can't be there... I would LOVE to contribute, but am not sure whether I've got anything... need to figure that out...maybe :)
Fare-Thee-Well, Uncle Bob!
ny seers check out
you can make a party for free
just pay for the alc.
check them out -contact them
they are very open.
First, for those coming to the official Meme-Orial: there are other local Discordian events this weekend near Santa Cruz!
Come to PantheaCon - Pantheacon.org - a pagan convention in San Jose, CA. There are two Discordian rituals, two RAW memorials, and one Discordian presentation. Contact me at stmae@discordian.com for details.
ALSO, if you are coming from far away and need crash space, get in touch with me. I can't promise anything, but I'll try to help. Every year I run KallistiCon which is essentially like having 20 Discordian houseguests for a weekend, so I am somewhat accustomed to this.
Second, anyone else doing a RAW Memorial should contact the people at RAWRemembered - http://rawremembered.blogspot.com/ because they're posting it all and getting people in touch with locals. There's an event in Toronto and one in Vancouver that we know about for sure, and anyone else wanting to do something should be in touch there.
Is there anybody in Germany who likes to organize with me a RAW Meme-Orial in Trier or Koblenz on February, 18th?
Please write me: liebert@uni-koblenz.de
H. Celine said...
"Its would be cool to encounter folks who have been inspired by RAW in one concentrated place."
If you can't make the memorial, try Maybe Logic Academy - www.maybelogic.net - digital RAW Tribe concentrated and now public. Hail Bob!
UPDATE: The Official Meme-Orial is round, rotating and Cosmic! The SanFrancisco contingent has, at this moment, eclipsed the LosAngeles contingent and the guest list grows! Anyone reading this can help spread the word by reposting the announcement at other places around the web or by forwarding it in the email to friends. Don't forget to send photos in the email if you would like them to be part of the video display the day of the event! Thanks for all the great input thus far and Keep the Lasagna Flying! All Hail Eris! All Hail RAW!
Hello all! could someone please email me with some more information about how to purchase tickets? I've tried several times with no avail. Is there an email or phone number I can call. I'm trying my best to get to the memorial!! email me please! ty519@hotmail.com thanks!
We have rushed to the service of our friend, Takeaki.
Please let us know if we can be of further service!
Committee for the Investigation of Claims of Fnords
as I can't make it there.. I got an Idea...
I invite all those who are members on deviantArt community to join a kind of competition to create all kind of art related to RAW and topics he always talked about.
keep the lasagna flying contest begins... be part of it
blacktoweroftime on deviantArt
I am flying in to San Francisco from Memphis and am hoping to find some other attendee(s) in the SF area who might be looking for a ride to Santa Cruz...bus tickets are cheap but there are not many available and I'd hate to spend half the weekend waiting on a bus or have to leave anything early.
Anyone who could offer assistance would be a great help as it'll cost me $200 to rent a car for the weekend. I'm hoping to spend Monday in Napa if that interests anyone. All I ask is maybe a bit a help with gas costs as I already have the car and 4 extra seats.
If you are interested, email me at
before the 18th. I'll be at the SF airport Saturday at 12:30 P.M. and I am leaving Tuesday at 10:45 P.M.
Also, if you just need a ride and don't have money for gas, email me anyway...no reason to use any more oil than necessary to get us all there
ooh...I have no chance to make it either...santa cruz far away from switzerland and i think i haven't enough money trip to usa...
Have a happy meme-orial!
Please publish after some photos of it and a short review =)
@Kebab: Von wo aus Deutschland kommst du? Kenne in Deutschland leider nur die Kabale um St. Ambrosius...und hier in der Schweiz gar keine diskordier... schon fast supergeheim wie bei E.L.F. ^^
Holy Crap! You mean he's really dead? Far out, man.
Still looking for a London venue, but I remain, as ever, optimistic! Get in touch if you know anywhere that's availabe that night and has space to show a film and then have a bit of a boogie!
FUCK, I just found out.
RIP Rev Bob . . . Glad you and Arlen are finally together again.
On a completely different topic, the last Chumbawamba album has a song called "By and By" about the framed and executed IWW activist Joe Hill, but I've been listening to it recently and thinking of Bob. It's a beautiful song (nothing like Tubthumping, if that's all you know about the band). The lyrics are:
By & By -
Don't waste the days when I'm dead and I'm gone
Wind up the clocks, ring around, carry on
Don't gather flowers, dry your eyes, call your friends
For all I sang was a start, not an end.
Catch your breath, feel the life in your bones
Enjoy what's to come, not the things that we've done.
Save all your prayers, take the pain and the hurt
Add your chorus to my verse
By and by, by and by
Forget that glorious land above the sky
Don't you cry, don't you cry
By and by
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you and me
Says I, "But Joe, you're ten years dead"
"I never died," said he.
By and by, by and by
Forget that glorious land above the sky
Don't you cry, don't you cry
By and by
RAW - Danke für diesen Kanal 23!
quelle 23
Is anyone going to attend RAW's send-off from the Eugene/Springfield area? I"d really like to go, but have limited means (meaning I can cop my percentage of the gas-money and cover my lodging, but the price of travel for just myself could deny me). I can't imagine what my life would be like (nor do I care to bother) without his words of wisdom. I lived in a much smaller universe before you entered my life Bob! As such, I'd like to be there to pay my respects to a being whom I owe so much!
Thanks agian Bob!
hey humans (primates...)
come to Santa Cruz... the weather is beautiful.. the amusement park will be open.... ocean.. cliffs.. lots of stuff to do.. and a concentration of people who have been influences by Mr. Wilson so.. it'll be an experience you'll never forget and it's in a great small city with fun stuff to do.. ( plus the panthea con (discordian society conventions.. it's pretty big ) is taking place over the same weekend in near by San Jose )
I hope to see you there
A pity, RAW is by far my favorite writer, and his works have inspired me to jot down my own fevered dreams and ramblings of a madman.
He will be missed by all. I almsot feel guilty for just now finding out about his passing away.
Alas, I cannot attend. The event sounds delicious in multiple contexts.
I will celebrate the easing of Bob's soul in my own way this evening.
Please do what you can to take the light and pass it on.
UPDATE! The RAW Meme-Orial Celebration is growing more exotic by the day! This is a fantastic venue and it is our honor to accommodate ALL friends of RAW!
On another note, Fly Argaric 23 - friend of Bob - friend of MaybeLogic and talented myspace critter has built a myspace to serve as a RAW Remorial.
To those celebrating simultaneously - please share your pics and annecdotes by visiting the RAW Memorial myspace site.
Fly hopes to post pics, video and remembrances from the worldwide simultaneous Meme-Orials in Bob's Honor!
Dear Bob,I often dreamed of hanging out with you for a day or something.Now you're gone on. can't hardly see the keyboard for tears and sorrow does shake my brow.Without reading your sex and drugs books when I was young I would not be writing this.
Hope to meet you later in that land of love.Joe
Hi. I've just been informed that my house will be the site of the memorial in Kalamazoo, MI (halfway between Detroit and Chicago). As my schedule is VERY busy, I won't be keeping track of many of the details, but I do wnat to set up a display of some of the best of the original art from the ILL! comic. Maybe I can convince the Wizard World Chicago folks to have a remembrance this summer too?
On February 23 the new Jim Carry movie, 23, opens.
Bob moves in strange ways.
On February 18th we'll be remembering Bob here at LifeSpirit parsonage, reading from his books and recalling his amazing life.
London memorial event is go!!! It will be on in Shoreditch, East London - full details tomorrow. Please send me an email if you're interested in coming along from around 5:30 to 10:30, so I can get an idea of numbers.
RAW Bits:
Shortly after Robert Anton Wilson's death was announced, Xaos and I were discussing his rumored desire to be flung at Pat Roberston, post-mortem, and she made a monumental suggestion, which we then worked up into what I think is the Best Thing Ever. It is like the ash-flinging above-referenced in that, of course, it is nothing anyone would ever actually do, but it is pleasant to contemplate.
The fantasy (not suggestion) is this: to mail ashes to someone you do not know, being careful, of course, not to include a return address, and enclosing an embossed certificate of authenticity stating that they are the lucky recipient of one of only 23 randomly-distributed packets of the cremated remains of Robert Anton Wilson (bio. and obit. appended) and that they are encouraged to make appropriate use of these.
If several hundred people mailed several dozen of these, each, some kind of fucked-up Hundredth Monkey effect would no doubt kick in and immanentize the eschaton or something.
Given the current repressive environment, wherein Homeland Security Department spokesman Russ Knocke (a.k.a., some asshole cop) recently said in re: Boston's recent spaz attack over the Aqua Teen Lite-Brites: "Hoaxes are a tremendous burden on local law enforcement and counter-terrorism resources and there's absolutely no place for them in a post-9/11 world," I suppose we should all just shut the fuck up and not even try, so: PLEASE, DON'T ACTUALLY DO THIS. Get it? As for me, I will resume sliding into the vacuity of depression and wistfully regret a world with no room for hoaxes. If "Bigfoot" were still alive, (look it up) I suppose they'd jail his ass, too.
Keep the Lasagna Flying!
Wasn't quite sure where to post this, but can anyone out there help me out with a ride down to the farewell party? I have my ticket, and did have a rather sweet ride down there, but it seems as though he's not gonna be able to take me at the last minute! :-( Can anyone out there help me out? As dearly and deeply as Bob's works touched me, I hate the thought of not being able to make it down...I could pay for gas, and make really great company. If ya can help, email me at ankhgoddess@gmail.com Thanks!
Someone contacted me and said that I'd forgotten to put where I'm from when asking for the ride...I'd be comming down from Eugene, Oregon, but could, alternatively, take a train down to some point closer to the event (a town in southern Oregon, or some such thing) and ride with ya from there, since riding with friends always makes great company, and it'd still be nonetheless cheaper! Either way, I know it's last minute, but if anyone out there can help out, I'd be soooo forever grateful! Thanks!
Hail Eris!
All Hail Bob!!!!
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I was walking around Glasgow's Queens's park this afternoon in lovely weather. In the woods at the top I passed a solitary man in a large "23" t-shirt. It only struck me now that its RAW's memorial day today. Wish I could be there and hope it's a blast.
Hail Eris!
All Hail Bob!!!!
We, few in number but large in spirit(s), woke the great man well and good in London. Hope many others did the same where they were and his spirit got no rest this night. Goodbye Bob, you'll always be with us.
We sent the lasagna flying, and now I have quite a mess to clean up...The spirit and legacy of RAW lives on. "I am that which was, and is, and shall be".
Just surfing the web with Bob in mind and his memorial goings today when I found the POEE UK information site and the transcript of a 1986 online chat with Bob.
Said I to Kathy: I think that happened at our house. Said Kathy to me, find out if he mentioned "chicken soup" I remember telling him to type those words... He did.
Yes, it does seem that the WWW has remembered that Bob chat of so many years ago.
At: http://www.poee.co.uk/web/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=204
Be remembered, Bob.
Here are my photos of the Robert Anton Wilson Cosmic Meme-orial in Santa Cruz on 18 February in Santa Cruz.
I also created a FlickR photo pool for the Meme-orial.
Goodbye Bob. We love you.
Link to a web-version of the meme-orial poster I donated for the cause...
Thanks RAW, Hillerman
many thanks for the photos fox and the interesting link ralph!
greetings from switzerland
hallo mister wilson, ich kenne ma+bastin, habe einige ihrer bücher gelesen. ihr stil ist geil! liebe grüße aus berlin >>> gerald -- qype.com/people/lokalreporter
hail bob!hail bob!hail bob!
Can we reschedule this? or have a do over? I was totally too busy to think about Bob this Month!
Choas is alway such a crazy time for me... meh ...
Can we try again in Discord? I think im open around the 50th
Well shit he's really gone? I nub you.
Please know the Mountain View, Dallas, and Pueblo kids all send our love.
Hail Bob! All Hail Discordia!
Sup Mae! You should come down from the hills and visit us at the cafe some time.
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Please enjoy videos from the event here:
Robert Anton Wilson Meme-orial Videos
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