Thursday, January 11, 2007

RAW Essence

Robert Anton Wilson Defies Medical Experts and leaves his body @4:50 AM on binary date 01/11.

All Hail Eris!

On behalf of his children and those who cared for him, deepest love and gratitude for the tremendous support and lovingness bestowed upon us.

(that's it from Bob's bedside at his fnord by the sea)

RAW Memorial February 2007
date to be announced


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Reverend Fitz said...

Thank you, dear Bob, for the laughter,
Save a seat for me in the hereafter.
My pint's raised to you
(And your dear Arlen, too)...
'Twas an honor to've read words so daft, sir.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything

see you on the next level

Anika23 said...

A friend turned me onto the Illuminatus Trilogy in 1997. When I read the books RAW wrote early on that the books would re-program my mind. They surely did. Everything in my life changed. RAW changed the course of my life forever and I am eternally grateful.

I met him twice: the 1998 Prophets Conference in Port Townsend, WA and my favorite, the 1999 Prophets Conference (I think it was that year) in Palm Springs. I loved it because Mr. Wilson terrified the elderly folks with his prolific cussing that he very calculatedly threw out at the new-age audience. Scandalous and perfect. I loved how he "took the piss out of" the scene and made things very, very real. And I loved when I met him the second time and he had just met up with Paul Krassner for the first time many years. I felt privileged to be able to sit there and witness their reminiscences.

I loved the way he loved Arlen and cared for her. I love his wit, wide-ranging mind, candor and ineffable sense of humor. He changed my life and altered forever the way I look at life.

His passing is a lark, a walk in the park of eternity.


Anonymous said...

Hmm what should i say , it is hard to loose such a genius.I will never forget you,I hope you open so many eyes and minds on the other Side like you did it here.
all Hail Eris
and i wish you a wonderful jurney.

Best wishes from Tino

Anonymous said...

He was merely pining for the fnords...

Eris rest ye, merry gentleman.

Anonymous said...

Fare thee well, from one primate to another. Thank you for all that you have done.

Anonymous said...

Hard to think of this world without your good wit
and keen insights
You made Maybe logic a part of my life
Say Hi to Tim Oleary for me
I am sure you are having a wonderful time
Peace Bob
You made a difference

Anonymous said...

Farewell Bob -
Gate Gate Para-gate Para-sam-gate Bohistvaha!

Ron said...

Thank you so much, Robert, for everything you wrote and did. You changed my life.


Anonymous said...

Farewell Robert. You will be sorely missed.

Adam said...

We never met and now we never will, but your has death hit me like the loss of a close friend.

Thanks for opening my eyes to the wealth of possibility the world has to offer.

You'll live on in this world through us, the children of your knowledge, while I hope you've gone on to cause chaos in the next.

Farewell RAW, peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

This life has lost a great force.
Farewell and thank you.

J S Wilson

Numinus said...

I just discovered you as you slipped away...Thank you for holding up the light in this darkness.

Smeg said...

Hola St. Robert.

It was tremendous to know you, your work and your compassion for mankind. I saw the Buddha in you.

Ewige Blumenkraft

RocketJam said...

Bob, you gave me direction when I abandoned my childhood belief system. I'm eternally grateful.


Praise "Bob"

Anonymous said...

dammit! another great person I never got to meet on this plane! Oh well, I'll catch thenext one.

Anonymous said...

thank you mr wilson
you will be missed by thousands

Unknown said...

farewell are truly and forever a cosmic schmuck every sense of the word.


and out.

Elf said...

Last time I was on the site months ago-and such news...

Thank you, dear Teacher for opening and expanding my mind... for showing me other reality channels.
Thank you for being here and all you have done.

Send a message some time from other worlds and infinities!

Unknown said...

Wasn't sure what to post till now. Then I remembered this from The Earth Will Shake:


Thanks for everything Bob, you may yet have helped us get these apes to the stars.
Hail Eris! Hail Mordecai Malignatius!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything..........

Anonymous said...

turn to face the strange"

The only "Bob" I'll ever know continues to hide among the words you've written.

Say, can I share some of your leftover acid with my friends?

Keep in touch ...

Anonymous said...

I look forward to being you again.

saw / heard said...

farewell and thanks for freakin me out!

Anonymous said...

I want to thank all of you who have posted here and those who made donations and wrote letters. I don't think that Bob realized how much he was loved before that, but he certainly came to understand that before the end.

The Mighty Doll said...

Guess I'll have to be my own hero from now on...

Everything is Under Control

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

you'll be missed...never did get the chance to correspond, maybe next time around?

Anonymous said...

Going to miss you.

Unknown said...

farewell and hello. We shall se each other again or will have in the past.

Unknown said...

farewell and hello. missed perhaps, forgotten never. May eris give you all you deserve

Unknown said...

Farewell, you give me new point of view. I will look for you when i became dead POPE. I have to say "thank you".

Hail Eris!

Gniewomir, Poland

dylzone said...

Maybe We'll meet again, Robert. Just maybe.

We are all surround by a network of love.

Peace, Dylan

Shipping Steel said...

So were a real help, and gave me several second chances at rationality and enjoyment.

Thankyou and Goodbye.

Tadhg said...

Thanks for everything, goodbye, and Hail Eris. You contributed a great deal, and you will be missed.

Anonymous said...

thank you, farewell

Anonymous said...

Danke R.A.W für Deinen großartigen Humor. Danke daß du da warst

Anonymous said...

Wir Discordianer müssen auseinander halten!
Heil Eris!!
Ewige Blumenkraft!!!
Wir werden deine Arbeit fortführen

Krieger des Lichts

kenneth krabat said...

Well, Bob - I guess you're really outside the box now, eh?

Thanks for being. As well as IS'ing.

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

"My heart has joined the Thousands, for my friend stopped running today"

Dance on, my brother. You are loved.

See you on the Other Side,


Anonymous said...

Miss you, Bob. -Ariel

Anonymous said...

Just a minute. If RAW's dead then that means at some point I'm gonna die too! What about the Nanobots Bob! The NANOBOTS!!!

All my love to you Bob. I enjoyed your point of view and you SEEMED like a nice guy!

Dee said...

Thank you Bob! Your wisdom and humor are a source of great joy!

Professor Statik said...

Godspeed, Mr. Wilson. I can't thank you enough for everything you've said and done for the betterment of mindkind, but I'll try anyways...every day...

“The shock of discovering that most of the power in the world is held by ignorant and greedy people can really bum you out at first; but after you've lived with it a few decades, it becomes, like cancer and other plagues, just another problem that we will solve eventually if we keep working at it.” - RAW

Anonymous said...

Wenn wir überhaupt einen Feind haben , dann ist es der Kontrollprozeß. Es ist von lebenswichtiger Bedeutung, diesen kurzzuschließen.

Farewell, brother in mind...

Anonymous said...

So shalt thou conquer space and time
and lastly climb the walls of time,
and by the golden path the great have trod, reach up to God.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for opening my mind!
RAW, you'll stay in my heart till my last day. You did a good job, mate!

Good bye and.. please, come back :)

Russia, Moscow.

Anonymous said...

Farewell. May be you are sensing my gratitude. Thanks for the in lighting meant... I meade it through a lot though yer righting.


Anonymous said...

...eternal gratitude, my brother - our love is with you, as always...

Anonymous said...

Just found out - God speed.

glasseyetrials said...

Mr bob,

Thank you for being you.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your final reward, Bob....

Anonymous said...

i'm from derry and my friend is from londonderry, except he isn't and neither am i. thanks bob.

Kevin said...

Happy Birthday Bob.

Anonymous said...

Anton Wilson is dead.
No, no, no, no he is outside looking in.

Jack Henry said...

Happy Birthday RAW. I'll toast you tonight.

I'm reading Coincidance for the first time now.

biggus said...

Your books influenced me more than anyone elses, you taught me to think for myself, that nothing is certain, no fears or confusions are forever beyond an open mind. And you were funny as hell, too. Love to you Bob, wherever you are. I hope Arlen and Luna are there too.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Bob,you've touched so many lives and I'm proud to be just one of those. Love is the Law, Love under Will.

Anonymous said...

You unshackled my chains, and stole the keys to my heart.

Thank you for the mutation, Mr. Wilson!


thermosilla said...

Adios Bob

Thanks for everything


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Bob!
Happy birthday to you!
--And many....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks

Anonymous said...

Rust in vrede Bob. Al je inzichten waren zeer behulpzaam...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really loved your works.

Rest In Peace!

Hail Eris!

Aztec-Star said...

No words can describe what legacy you have left... Your death has inspired me to actually read all your books. Hail Eris!

Twit said...

Later, Bob.

Anonymous said...

Dear puny human,

About time you finally abandoned this disease-ridden fleshsuit, hence I might as well inform you that, because of your unprecedented spiritual development and persistant intelligence enhancing labors, you have been promoted to god-creator status, meaning that you'll soon be able to create an entire new Universe all by yourself. That should teach you mocking mine.

Love, God

Anonymous said...

Pardon my Polish, but "Oh, fuck"

The most brillilant writer of my generation, I eagerly devoured everything he wrote and have several shelves of his books sitting in my library at home. He tought me how to look at the world for what it is - a screwed up collection of nincompoops trying to one-up each other, but he also taught me that you cannot have a meangingful conversation with an opponent until you first assume his position and understand why you are opposed to it.

"Uncle Bob" would be pleased to know that it was just last Thursday that I sat hunched down in front of my library of his books and pulled down The Illuminatus Trilogy and thumbed through it - marvelling at the passages I had underlined. Coincidence? Probably not.

Whatever parallel universe he's inhabiting now, I hope to visit sometime soon for a good smoke and a large glass of warm brandy.

I'll miss you, Bob :>(

All Hail Eris!

Anonymous said...

"Brightness falls from the air..."

Anonymous said...

erm i think samajckaman might possibly have partaken in one too many ales when he posted his oh-so-eloquent tribute to the mighty BOB a few nights ago. Here's why I suspect this:
1. he misspelt his own name (always a bit of a give-away, that)
2. He failed to use the word "INSPIRATION"
3. He neglected to point out that his daughter was born on the first day of the 23rd week of the year (6/6/2004) (an event which had not been meticulously planned, as if you plan these things; she was 5 weeks early)
4. He humbly beseeched assistance in a matter when he should really be assisting his own sorry arse
5. Worst of all, he saluted half the known world and some other random deceased folks without mentioning Bob's family and friends who've been left gazing at the space where he once was and he has asked me to convey his deepest sympathy and love to them. Compared to their loss we're just a bunch of gloaters.

Bob, I just wish I'd written to you earlier, but I have faith that that my inadequate ramblings and thoughts will reach you somehow. Thank you for everything.
Sending you Love (because it's the Law!) from Sam in the increasingly stormy High Peak

rvdh said...

happy birthay

Anonymous said...

Bob you are a big star that shines in all our lives, Thank you for everything!
-your children everywhere miss you- noon blue apples...
-we await the sign of the flying lazanga-we will be ready! 93!

Fredrik Lindholm said...

Bye, Bob. Thanks for your time

Anonymous said...

I have laughed and I have cried, and throughout it all, I have always had your crazy wisdom as my constant companion.
Rest well, you indomitable spirit, and when you're ready, send us an e-mail from the other side...

Anonymous said...

Farewell,Bob and thanks...

И в России есть люди, которые с твоим уходом что-то потеряли...

Anonymous said...

Farewell,Bob and thanks...

И в России есть люди, которые с твоим уходом что-то потеряли...


Anonymous said...

Χαίρε Μπόμπ!!

Harponet said...

93 - RAW - 93!

The Mighty Doll said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

to an inspired human being

-much love

lea_y_relea said...

Thanks for talking to me even though you never met me..
Thanks for your words, the only ones capable of changing lives.
All Hail Eris!

Gracias y adios querido amigo

Anonymous said...

Much love and regards

mela said...

I love you, bob!
Thanks for all the fish!
Hail Eris!

Miss you already.

The Mighty Doll said...


I've spent some time organizing a wake in toronto to coincide with Bob's memorial service.

This is a not-for-profit event and any donations will be given to a charity of Bob's family's choice.

I'm also willing to help anyone set up a wake in their own city or town, please visit the blog, at Raw Remembered for more information

Anonymous said...

So, Bob took a step outside.

I love you Bob. Come back soon, ok?

pixiequix said...

Don't worry Bob, we'll keep that lasagna flying. Although it does enjoy flying all on it's own... We'll be missing you here on Earth, it just won't be the same.
We love you Bob. Thank you, brother, for setting my mind free.

Anonymous said...

I´ll never forget you...

Unknown said...

RAW, you were one leg of my tripod of influence: Terence, RAW, and Bandler. If you can read this, say hi to Terence.


Anonymous said...

I'll see you on Monday for coffee.

Anonymous said...

"Ich war auf Dich angewiesen,
aber Du nicht auf mich!
Merk Dir das!"

- farewell from Germany, near Stuttgart

Pip Wilson said...

All these Wilsons dying. First Woodrow, then Harold, Dennis, William Carlos ... what's going on??

Thanks for everything, RAW.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye, RAW. You taught me a lot about the world, and I had fun learning it. I regret I only had the opportunity to meet you once, while I was yet far too young to appreciate it.

I hope you are happy and together with your loved ones, wherever your soul has gone.

srini said...

death is just a graduation

see you on the other side someday robert !!!

Anonymous said...

So it goes. Bon Voyage!


Love and Apples

Anonymous said...

goodbye bob, thanks for everything =)

Unknown said...

Thanks for helping me finally see the fnords.

Anonymous said...


Kendal said...

We never met, but you certainly met me.

Take care bro.
David K.

Jothebulb said...

Goodbye, Bob!

Your spirit stays with us through your fantastic writing.

Anonymous said...

Please enjoy Death as you seem to have enjoyed life.

The Bob is dead, Long live the Bob.

Anonymous said...

So the fnords have finally got ya eh?

Thanks for the reality tunnel vision, the epiphanies, chuckles and moments of confusion.

Your work will echo throughout the ages.

Till we meet again...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the chaos of this creation can overwhelm, and RAW's words could pull even the most despondent me into paroxysms of laughter. What a gift it has been to share this orb with him. His brilliance could not be tethered here long.

Anonymous said...

Fortunate was I to have seen RAW thrice, and get to meet him on one of those occasions--one of a million for him and one in a million for me.

Gonna miss that mischievous twinkle in your eye. So I won't say goodbye, just 23 skidoo...

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob

Born in another culture, on another continent, thousand kilometres away, in an empire that has collapsed not long after and for years living in country 90% won't find on the map it was nearly an enlightment reading your books...

Come back as soon as you want, here in our tunnel we'll miss you much. you were the one with light and smile. now it's getting darker and colder...

Hybrid Hornet said...

Requiescat in pace, Mr. Wilson.

Thank you, Mr. Wilson for positively broadening and progressing my thinking. My life just hasn´t been the same since I first read your book.. I really learned a lot from your unwavering optimism, humor and free-thinking attitude.

You will be missed, Bob.

Best regards

Hybrid Hornet

Cris said...

So long, and thanks for all the fish. Bob's writings changed my life, and I am ever grateful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you
Robert Anton Wilson
for everything

you are still with us
through all your work
you are a saint-- you
wanted better for all
of us
You kept your heart chakra open
you showed the way
thank you

Anonymous said...

This is another of your jokes right? you just looove to read all these obituaries and sendoffs.

Prankster gods don't die. Wherever you are now, resting in peace is so totally not like Robert Anton Wilson.

Thanks for the inspiration. Guess it's up to us to raise some heck now on this small planet.

fnord@panix said...

Thanks for helping me see the fnords.

I swear I will never whistle while I'm pissing.

The numbers 5 sand 23 will never cease to influence my life, and

Please say hello to my Cousin Cliff Heller, without whom I would never have heard of you.

See you on the other side.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Bob. Happy trails. Cosmic Trigger!

Anonymous said...

Heil Diskordia,

Mr. Wilson was such an amazing person, his work gave me so many new ideas and thoughts.

I'll never forget him !


Richard Cody said...

Thanks for everything, Bob - most of which I have yet to discover.

Anonymous said...

thank you for making it more interesting, bob



Anonymous said...

A great man. One of the greatest. Bob's books, especially Prometheus Rising, left a huge impression on me as a teenager. I am almost 32 years old now and it is clear that his ideas had a formative effect on my own philosophy. Farewell, and thank you, Old Man and brother.


Anonymous said...

See you in a bit Bob.

You're an inspiration so many others:

Richard Metzger

Grant Morrison

And me.


Anonymous said...

You were one of fnord those who opened me up.

There is no enemy anywhere

All hail Discordia

Anonymous said...

A haiku for Bob, who has gone before, in the traditional 5-7-5, 7-7 form:

I was told today:
Robert Anton Wilson’s dead.
Ha! Impossible!

You fools! Don’t you realise? That’s

Anonymous said...

Just found your gone Bob
Have fun on youR Jouney.
Hail Everthing.........THANKS A BRAZIAIN

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Robert. I want to thank you for everything you changed in my life.
You will be missed, may Eris be with you wherever you are.
Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!

See you later...

Anonymous said...

When I heard that Bob had passed, early afternoon on 01/11, I offered a peace pipe and remembered Bob's book signing trips in the '80's (and before and after) when he would sometimes stay with us in Morristown.

And particularly one time in '82, I think, when he used our Commodore 64 for an online chat -- one of the first of these ever. We were all amazed, watching Bob sitting in our living room, responding to questions from people thousands of miles away. This was before graphic interfacing, so we all watched the cursor spell out questions and answers in little white letters on a blank field.

On 01/11/07 Kathy and I had participated in the worldwide peace meditation that occurred from 11 AM to noon (EST) and noticed that the Global Consciousness Project EGG summary dot changed from green to red at 11 am and stayed red until noon. Haven't seen it stay red that long before -

Wonder if we were seeing some energy swell through global consciousness synchronistic to Bob's passing.

Certainly... Bob is not here, but not gone. Missed, and remembered.

Anonymous said...

I really loved Robert Anton Wilson. His who persona and sense of humour has been an inspiration my whole adult life.

Thanks so much for a marvellous accomplished life.

Anonymous said...

deep in snowy bavaria life is a little colder and the sky weeps tons of snow, whereever You may go, cheerio!
In tiefer Trauer und einem wohligen Schauer sag ich auf Dauer: Servus Bob!

Anonymous said...

Not sleeping, but dead. Thanks for the mirror for looking around the corner with.
Please to be writing 'kick me' on St. Peter's back so I know which bastard to single out when I get to the pearly gates without an invite.
Wishing you Love, light and peace and a decent pint of guinness or two.

Skiver said...

bye bye bob..."Consume my heart away; sick with desire/And fastened to a dying animal,”

Anonymous said...

All Hail Bob!

I always enjoyed knowing you were around. Thanks for all the great books, I'll think of you every time I find a quarter...

Anonymous said...

Funny thing happened in australia last night. I was flipping through the free to air channels at about 12:30 am when on the ABC they had a movie about the life of Sister Kenny. Now when I worked out that the movie was about her and it made me then think how that method helped him get over his childhood polio. I then had a feeling to take a look at my mobile and the date on my screen was the 25th. Which made me chuckle. Then it hit me that Bob died on the 11th, 14 days before (1+4=5)!!!!!. I know time differences between Oz and US doesn't make this synchronistically perfect but it is enough for a RAW fan like myself to warm my heart that is still saddened by the loss of such a great mind.
P.S. Still looking for the Pastry that looks like bob.

Seb said...

The sky cries tons of snow in Bavaria tonight. Kids smile, Adults writhe. Farewell and Cheerio.
In tiefster Freude über Deine Erkenntnise verbeug ich mich. Servus

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So long teacher, mentor, inspiration, you will be missed

Anonymous said...

You are my hero, Robert.

Bless us from above.

Life Extension and Superman Chemistry is what I fight for


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

My one Hero and Mentor. So long, Bob.

Anonymous said...

This is quite a tribe. Apparently RA Wilson's Maybe Logic Academy just went public - maybe that's a good place for cyber shin-dig. Bless you, Bob.

wal said...

Thank you so much, Bob,
I am feeling blue tristesse and true discord.
Farewell brother...

Anonymous said...

Farewell pilgrim

Anonymous said...

kann jeder bloggen??

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

I saw the fnords
They were all around
The Illuminati danced
The Discordians frowned

Reality gasped
When the philosopher died
Because that is the one thing
We thought he would never try

See the fnords
Make lasagna fly
Eat a hot dog with no bun
Because a great philosopher did die

Nadia said...

Hail Eris.

The lasagna will keep on flowing. We shall take care of that, deeply.

Jonathan Allen said...

I never knew you, but your writings guided much of my life.

Jonathan Allen said...

I never knew you, but your writings guided much of my life.

clypse said...

RAW was a big influence on maturing my thought processes.

Farewell, and Thanks!

Woelfin said...

life is eternal - death is only a rising.
thanks for the wisdom you gave us!

Anonymous said...

dang. thanks for turning my mind inside out and back again. dang. stupid lack of adequate funding for longevity research! :(

you are missed.

Anonymous said...

Heute die Welt.
Morgen das Sonnensystem.

Nächste Woche der Rest.

Unknown said...

I can never thank you enough for saving/decimating my (in)sanity.

you live on in all of us who drank your lovely tomato juice.

we will find the others....

Anonymous said...

I just haven't the words for what you've done for me and others.

See ya man.

M. Apple said...

"Do not weep at my grave
I am not there
I did not die
I am become 10,000 winds."

My brother Jared drowned in 2001, 3 months prior to 9/11. For solace I turned to RAW.

Who does RAW turn to? dewa naku,
Who does RAW turn into? to itta ho ga ii kana...

Hail, Eris! Hail, Goddess! Hail, Kali!

Farewell, Bob. See you in another reality. Say hello to Jared.

Anonymous said...

Robert was the guy that really kicked the whole thing off for me. Before that it was super-heros,
football and witchcraft. But after finding a battered Cosmic Trigger Vol.2 in the bottom of a
battered leather suitcase, underneath lots of notepads covered with byro drawn reapeating symbols
while cleaning out a cupboard on the psychopath ward as a student psychiatric nurse, the lid was
blown forcably off my head. The battered copy came with cryptic side notes from the patient. I
was hooked. What followed was more Bob, and Crowley, Astral stuff failed, meditation and Yoga.
Thanks Bob, life is a lot more interesting thanks to you.

Anonymous said...

his hokiness the poop bob wrote in "everything is under control" that "The late Mae Brussel, more originally, claimed I worked for the Rockefellers. I cheerfully confessed to the last, adding that David Rockefeller personally comes around once a month to deliver the filth lucre in gold bars, which I keep stacked in my basement. I thought that would improve my credit rating, but evidently nobody but Mae believed it."

and didn't Gerald Ford have a Rockefeller, Nelly, for a veep?

and who just died and was viewed lying in state in the white house?

so maybe FnORD n FORD are the same thing...

Anonymous said...

thank you


Anonymous said...

RIP to a brilliant mind and a great person


Anonymous said...

you really made a difference in my life.

thank you so much.


deutschlandnetz said...

Die 23 ist ein Tunnel durch unsere rationale Wahrnehmung hindurch zur göttlichen Quelle des Seins. Ein Wurmloch, welches aus der uns bekannten Realität hinausführt und unsere inner Freiheit offenbart. In diesem Schwingungsmuster erscheint das Strickmuster des Verstandes selbst und wird für sich selbst erkennbar und beweist seinen eigenen illusionären Charakter innerhalb der Welt der gedanklichen Definitionen. Unsere Realität ist also selbst aus einer Matrix der Schwingungsverhältnisse der 23 gestrickt. Diese Erkenntnis kann zur Befreiung aus den eigenen Konditionierungen genutzt werden, wie dies zum Beispiel auch von den Diskordianern beschrieben wird.

Danke RAW für diesen Kanal!! !!!

Anonymous said...

bobspeed god, i mean godspeed bob,ciao

Anonymous said...

dude is dead
dad is dead
dead is dud
long live dude

plectic said...


Anonymous said...

In August 83 young, broke, naive and ignorant, I caught the Magic bus back from Athens to London, the guy I was sitting next to handed me the The Illuminatus Trilogy, he told me I really should read this. He was right.

Thanks for waking me up Bob, before I read your work I was asleep.

You will be missed.

Hail Eris! Hail Discordia! and Hail Bob!

Anonymous said...

Tonight I stumbled upon the news
The loss could leave us with the blues
Its just another step on the golden road
His burden is now a lighter load
If you ask why my eyes are bright
I'll give you a hand full of RAW sunshine.
I know I'll laugh with you among the stars
Now that you have become a full blown Avatar

So long Mr Wilson, may the force be with you!

Anonymous said...

You ALWAYS are SO funny, Bob.


Zahrah Al-Qalbi

Anonymous said...

RAW showed us how to think differently. RIP, RAW.

Unknown said...

Farewell Bob

Save me a seat


Anonymous said...

just because you can't see the RAW doesn't mean he isn't trying to f**k with you. fnord indeed.

onward though the fog.

it's like that other guy said:
the more you know, the more you know you don't know what you know... now and zen you goof again, you never blow your trip forever.

be seeing you,
okelnard sirius

Anonymous said...

I just found out...don't know what to say...what is this thing called 'language' that you kept talking about? I never got to meet you...Your disciples will finish the Historical Illuminati series for you, or was it already finished?! Was that your ultimate joke and message, are we living the Historical Illuminati?!...Damn these reality tunnels.

I know you're busy with Arlen but when you have time please say hi to my mom for me. I know you'll like her, she is humble and gentle. Try not to blow her mind too much.

I can just imagine the free form poem and jazz freak out that will be taking place with you, Joyce, The Lizard King, Blake and Tim etc. with Jimi and his All Star Cosmic Back Up Band.

The End. Fini. Goodbye. Hello.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention. One night when I was communing with mushrooms I received a message from Sirius in the form of DNA and RNA matrices. Obviously I couldn't translate it. You'll have to tell me what it means when we meet. I suspect it said something like, 'Please move your planet a little to the right.'

Anonymous said...


Farewell, Bob. I've just felt I have to visit your blog today..

Thank you for everything you gave me in my life!


lukeperil said...

I feel as if my wavefront has collapsed. May you continue to illuminate us from the starry belly of Nuit, or wherever you are. I had just seen Maybe Logic and now I have to accept that I'm going to have to fight the TSOG without you around. I see the fnords, and they're freaking wonderful.

XXIII - Thank you for helping me see the way through Chapel Perilous.

Anonymous said...

thank you bob for lighting up my life .

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the dream visit Bob. It was very enlightening.
Interested people can read an account of the dream on my blog.
RAW Dream

Anonymous said...

I give you my papal blessing Bob, though you never slipped me the card saying:

"I hereby declare this man to be an authorised Pope."

Bless you.

Anonymous said...

RAW's Cosmic Meme-Orial Poster!

poster by

To honor Bob.

Thank you for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

tom lennon said

Thank you, Bob. Your courage, wisdom and good humour have been a constant inspiration for most of my adult life. You opened my eyes, nudged me towards enlightenment and often made me laugh so hard I farted. Your time bending semantic circuit dexterity helped transform my life and make the world a much more joyous and wondrous place to explore. I never met you Bob - never had the chance to shake your hand or personally contribute to your limerick collection - but you were like a spiritual uncle whose thoughts, dreams, wit, optimism and intelligence are hard-wired into my soul.

Anonymous said...

The world has lost a great man.
It's a shame he couldn't live for ever. Lets try to do a little better with his memory.

Anonymous said...

Dear RAW!

Thank you for your books.
They meant much to me.
You were great!

Anonymous said...

thanks for everything.
i hope you will carry on with your work.
bye for now.

greetings from the Swedish delegation

Me said...

Thanks for speaking up and open!

Neil Bates said...

Bob transitioned *five* days after he said he might be going that way.
BTW, if anyone went to the Meme-orial, pls. tell us more stories. Say, the movie "The number 23" is out now. Did it debut on Feb 23?

Anonymous said...

Intresting site! Thanx!...

Anonymous said...

...I didn't know until I typed RAW into Google today. Funny, I started rereading Illuminatus Trilogy about the middle of January. First ready it in mid 70's. I didn't realize how deeply it influenced the way I see everything. I couldn't have picked a better mentor.

Anonymous said...

Farewell, and thank you.


Marshall R. said...

Thank you.

Marshall R. said...

Thank you, Robert Anton Wilson, for helping me to open my eyes, and for giving all of us some of your boundless light.

Anonymous said...

I say hello,

and you said goodbye,

something told you so,

you now know why.

P.S. 37 thanks, Bob!!!

Anonymous said...

Farewell, and thanks.

Anonymous said...

To post a farewell
Would be to admit he's gone
RAW will always live

Anonymous said...

Bob was one of THE most original thinkers. I sadly only became of aware of him and his work in the late 1980’s. He had this great ability to stir up debate in people, and force them to completely re-think their place in the world. A great man.

Anonymous said...

Seeing not believing and believing was unseeing. Thanks Bobgone, you messed me up something fierce.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Bob. If thought is a river, you were Charon to me (and I'm still exploring new lands every day!). We'll keep evolving and diffusing your culture, omnidirectionally, laughing all the time, with 23 flaming giraffes as our ride.

One of the most important thing you taught me is that there can never be a dull day.

You're alive in our hands and words, because "in quella parte dove sta memora, prende suo stato".
Pump up the Negentropy!

Love with no horse, no wife and no mustache,
Massimo Spiga

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Bob - oh and don't let Wavy Gravy pester you 'kay.

poee said...

See you on the other side, Bob. It's been one helluva

Anonymous said...

Just learned about it now after watching the Maybe Logic DVD, and admiring RAW's optimism and wisdom in spite of all of his trials... Decided to check his website...

I'll be missing you so much, Bob.

Haven't cried for a long time
But today I did
Though I'm in tears I know
I'll see you in a better place.

Thank you for everything you've done to me and all not-so-conditioned people here in Russia and entire world.

Sure you'll go on enlightening us in Western Heaven, oh Bob-hisattwa!

Спасибо за все.

Hail Eris!

Anonymous said...

I've loved your stories and your ideas. Goodbye!

Anonymous said...

I Love You!

Anonymous said...

rendez vous sur jewisherritage
a bientot

Anonymous said...

C ya at the bottom


Anonymous said...

Danke für die hilfreichen Inspirationen!

Du hast mir Spaß gebracht, mein Lieber...

Anonymous said...

looking forward to transmuting into a similar realm again someday.



phrenaubulax said...

like an arrow
up through the middle pillar
don't forget clean socks and a toothbrush!

much love

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